Spin up performant cloud development environment

Gaming CPU

Lapdev cloud uses powerful gaming CPUs to provide high single core performance which is essential for development.

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Lapdev 4 vCPU / 16 GB RAM
Codespaces 4 vCPU / 16 GB RAM
Gitpod 4 vCPU / 16 GB RAM

Consistent Dev Environment

Using the Devcontainer open specification, Lapdev allows you to define your development environment as code.

Save Onboarding Time

Onboarding developers to new projects don't need hours or days to prepare the environment on their machines. They can start to code instantly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What IDEs can I use with Lapdev?

VSCode can connect through SSH Remote plugin, and JetBrains IDEs can connect via JetBrains Gateway SSH connection. Or you can directly SSH in, and use Vim or Emacs. There’s also a browser version of VSCode out of the box.

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